Health, Wealth, Happiness and Voice: Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock 10

My Voice Teaching work is both functional Voicework and Healing. I do not teach breathing. I move the body from the physical stiffness and shallow breathing that characterise the fight/flight/flee function of the nervous system, to the deep breathing and relaxed body/mind that characterise the nervous system in a rest and repair function.

Safety energy lock 10 sits between the scapula. It’s name is ‘warehouse of abundance’. It is the safety energy lock for all voice projects, including singing and speech projects.



It is also the safety energy lock for all mental and emotional projects as well as all regeneration and renewal in the body.

It is fantastic for sinus projects, colds and coughs.

The quickie for safety energy lock 10 is holding the index finger. It is advisable to hold the index finger on the right and the left hand for 20 minutes each but you can hold it amount of time you can spare is great as well.

Safety energy lock 10 comes in 4 manifestations:

1. 10

2. Breathing flow

3. Dizziness flow

4. Eye flow

10 flow

The 10 Flow is fantastic for high blood pressure, neck and shoulder discomforts as well as sleep issues, including sleep apnoea (snoring). It may also be used for heart projects, diabetes, all Mind projects including Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy, as well as any project that is difficult to diagnose.

The quickie for the 10 flow is placing your hand on the inner side of  opposite knee (safety energy lock 1) and holding opposite index finger. Place your hands on both positions until you can feel pulsation come up under your hands and go down.  If you cannot feel your pulse, place your hands on the positions indicated for 2 minutes. Do this 8-hourly.


Breathing Flow

The Breathing flow is the emotional aspect of 10. It helps all breathing projects including asthma and chest discomforts e.g coughing. It moves Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trying-to/Pretense (‘the Attitudes’) and helps make space for reproduction and fertility, lung, thyroid projects as well as breast cancer.  The Breathing flow clears the Mind. I use this one very often with my Singers.

To perform the quickie for the 10 flow, make a ring with your thumb and your ring finger, with the thumb touching the nail of the ring finger. Alternatively you may wish to place a hand on your opposite mid-thigh and the other hand on the upper arm. Do this 8-hourly


Dizziness Flow

The Dizziness Flow does just that: harmonise Dizziness. It is the Mental aspect of 10. Its position makes it great for dizziness resulting from inebriation as well. It’s great for calming scared children, morning sickness and cramps, motion sickness, allergies and equilibrium projects including equilibrium of the spirit, mind and body.

The quickie for the Dizziness Flow is: place your hand on the middle of your neck on the same side. Place your other hand on the same side cheek. Keep your hands in these positions until the pulse comes up under them and subsides completely. If you cannot feel your pulse, place your hands on the positions indicated for 2 minutes. Do this 8-hourly.


Eye Flow

The Eye Flow does just that: harmonise all eye projects including long and short-sightedness, weakness in the eyes, cataracts, eye tiredness and strain and more. The Eye Flow also clears all Emotional, Mental and Physical projects. It is great for fainting projects and jet lag. I like to use this as a flow of first instance for my Singers,  as most people in Singapore where I live are exhausted.

The quickie for The Eye Flow is: opposite underarm and making a ring with the thumb and index finger on the same side. Keep your hands in these positions until the pulse comes up under them and subsides completely. If you cannot feel your pulse, place your hands on the positions indicated for 2 minutes. Do this 8-hourly.


I wish you the very best of health!