Jin Shin Jyutsu COVID-19 Toolkit

This post is for the folk who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 and have been turned away at Hospitals because the health service is understaffed and overworked. If you’re desperate or if you know anyone who is desperate for help, please share this post. This post is originally from the Vocalogy Facebook account where I’ll be boosting it to help people in affected countries. Please join me.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a non-invasive, drug-free complementary health modality. It originated from Japan and the trademark is currently licensed by Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc (USA).It overlaps with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Energy flows through 26 safety energy locks on the body and through the fingers and toes.

Below are my symptomatic resolutions:

Fever: hold middle finger, left and right, for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

You may also hold the index finger, left and right, for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

Cough, running nose, sore throat: hold index finger, left and right, for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

Breathing difficulties: hold ring finger, left and right, for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

You may also hold the index finger, left and right, for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

To open the lungs for breathing, touch the nail of the ring finger with the pad of the thumb for as Long as required.

Body aches: place right hand on inner ankle. Place left hand on outer ankle. Place hands in these positions for 20 minutes. Do this once every 8 hours.

No energy; boost immunity: hold thumb, left and right for 20 minutes each. Do this once every 8 hours.

This Opposite Fingers and Toes flow does everything:
Step 1: Left hand holds right big toe. Right hand holds left pinky finger. Place hands in these positions until pulsation under the hands comes up and dissipates. If you cannot feel pulsation, lighten your grip.

Step 2: Left hand holds right index toe. Right hand holds left ring finger. Place hands in these positions until pulsation under the hands comes up and dissipates.

Step 3: Left hand holds right middle toe. Right hand holds left middle finger. Place hands in these positions until pulsation under the hands comes up and dissipates.

Step 4: Left hand holds right ring toe. Right hand holds left index finger. As above.

Step 5: Left hand holds right little toe. Right hand holds left thumb. As above

Step 6: Right hand holds left big toe. Left hand holds right pinky finger. As above.

Step 7: Right hand holds left index toe. Left hand holds right ring finger. As above

Step 8: Right hand holds left middle toe. Left hand holds right middle finger. As above

Step 9: Right hand holds left ring toe. Left hand holds right index finger. As above

Step 10: Right hand holds left pinky toe. Left hand holds right thumb. As above.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.