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Are you a singer who struggles with stage anxiety? Do you find yourself worrying about making mistakes, forgetting your lyrics,…

Stage performers, from actors to musicians, often face unique psychological challenges that can hinder their artistic expression. Clinical hypnotherapy emerges…

Actor can be very dispassionate people*. Analysis is a crucial part of each actor’s preparation process for the character. The…

The Spleen Flow helps performers feel by making them feel safe. Its astrological sign is Cancer- the crab . A…

‘Sing as you speak’ is regarded as highly desired in voice teaching. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to open…

‘I want to be able to play my emotions like a piano.’ -Tom Hiddleston, actor This article examines emotional management…

Bridging is a tool from Clinical Hypnotherapy that may be used to help Singers discover the originating circumstance(s) of a…

I actively use Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy(\’JSJ\’) energy healing in my singing teaching. JSJ is a holistic healing modality. Combining…

‘Higher, Faster, Stronger’ marks the pinnacle of glorious human physical achievement in the Olympics. ‘Slower, Lower, Weaker’ marks the way…