Neural Activation: Unlock the Power of Your Brain

“Everything you have ever felt or done in your life was due to brain function. At the most basic level, the intricate firing rates and patterns of your brain both determine who you have been and, more importantly, who you will become. All human change represents changes in that individual’s nervous system. All that we are is brain-derived.”

– Dr. Eric Cobb

Dr Eric Cobb, one of the world’s leading experts in the neurology of movement and physiological change, understands the amazing power of the brain. This organ constantly collects and analyses information from our senses, such as what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste, giving us the ability to sense and understand the world we live in.

The brain also uses our past experience and our beliefs to make predictions about what is likely to happen next and how we should react, helping us navigate our environment and cope with challenges.

Improving the quality of our sensory input, provides our brain with more accurate and useful information, helping it perform better and achieve a state of harmony and relaxation. This can reduce stress and enhance our well-being, as well as  improve our decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Brain training helps got improve sensory input, supporting the brain in its amazing functions and helping it reach its full potential.  

voice training
voice training
Neural activation exercises are broadly divided into:
  • Posture
  • Gait
  • Cerebellum and Cortex
  • Movement
  • Vision
  • Vestibular (Balance)
  • Breath control
  • Muscle Testing

These exercises target specific areas of the brain to improve cognitive function and overall brain health.

Don’t wait- start unlocking your brain’s full potential with neural activation exercises today!