by Grace Ng Ee Wern
The movement and circulation of energy create the body and maintains its wellbeing. Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy ® recognizes 17 individualized body function energies. Of these, 12 are organ function flows and are vital in distributing life energy through the body. An organ function flow may include a particular organ but is not limited to that organ. It is a flow of energy that encompasses the function of that organ. For example, the entire lung function flow that includes the lungs regulates the respiratory system. This organ flows flow into each other creating one unified, continuous circuit of energy that runs throughout the body.
Each organ function flow receives its most abundant supply of energy during a specific 2-hour period. Movement of the 12 organ function flows in the body throughout the day thus constitutes our innate biorhythm or body clock.
Traveling across time zones disrupts our body clock. This may result in jet lag. Reset your body clock by doing the organ function flow that is most active the time when you land in the new country.
Here are the times of greatest activity for each individualized organ function flow: –
Lung function energy 4am
Large intestine function energy 6am
Stomach function energy 8am
Spleen function energy 10am
Heart function energy 12 noon
Small intestine function energy 2pm
Bladder function energy 4pm
Kidney function energy 6pm
Diaphragm function energy 8pm
Umbilicus function energy 10pm
Gallbladder function energy 12 midnight
Liver function energy 2am
Here are the short forms of the right flows for each of the organ function energies. Place your hands at the positions indicated for 5 minutes or until you feel better. If you can feel pulsation under your hands, wait for the pulsation to subside before removing your hands from the positions indicated.
The right side of the body represents a person’s current life situation while the left side represents a person’s past. As such, I feel that the right quickies would be more appropriate for jet lag and have provided them below. Feel free, however, to reverse the hand positions for the left side if you feel that that is what your body needs.
Lung function energy: place your right hand on the bottom of your ribcage on the right side of the body. Place your left hand over your right collarbone.
Large intestine function energy: place your right hand on the junction where the neck meets the shoulders on the left side of the body. Hold your right index finger with your left hand.
Stomach function energy: place your right hand over your right collarbone. Place your left hand over your right cheekbone.
Spleen function energy: place your left hand over your coccyx bone. Place your right hand on the inner part of your right ankle.
Heart function energy: place your right hand on the junction where your neck meets your shoulders on the right side of the body. Hold your right wrist with your left hand.
Small intestine function energy: place your right hand on the junction where your neck meets your shoulders on the right side of the body. Place your left hand below the left collarbone.
Bladder function energy: place your right hand on the middle of your neck on the right side. Place your left hand under your right buttock.
Kidney function energy: sit comfortably with your right leg crossed over your left. Place your right hand over your pubic bone. This is where the fly would be if you are wearing jeans. Hold your right little toe with your left hand.
Diaphragm function energy: place your right hand over the lower ribs on the right side of your body. Wrap the fingers of your left hand around your left thumb.
Umbilicus function energy: place your right hand on the area above your left eyebrow. Place your left hand on the outer side of your right elbow.
Gallbladder function energy: Place your right hand on the middle of your neck on the right side of the body. Place your left hand on the area above your left eyebrow.
Liver function energy: Place your left hand on the back of your head, at the base of the skull, on the left side of your body. Place your right hand over your right collarbone.
In addition to the above, you can make a ring with your thumb and ring finger to invigorate the whole body. Hold this position for 2-5 minutes.
Bon voyage!
* Please note that Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is meant to be complementary to and not a replacement for conventional medicine. Please seek medical treatment if you need it.
Photo Credit: AP-BEU Pakistan International Airlines – PIA via photopin (license)