The concept of energy points is a central aspect of Jin Shin energy healing, an ancient Japanese healing art that has been used for thousands of years to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Energy points are said to be key points on the body where energy can become stuck, leading to physical and emotional imbalances. By working with these energy points, it is believed that harmony can be restored to the body and overall health and well-being can be promoted.
In Jin Shin energy healing, there are 26 energy points located throughout the body. By harmonising the pulse at these points, the energy flow can be balanced.
The pulse is harmonised by placing of hands on the points, waiting for the pulse to come up under the hands, and removing the hands once the pulse can no longer be felt. It can be carried out by oneself in the practice of self-help, or by a Jin Shin energy practitioner in a therapeutic setting.
Further, all the energy points are represented on the fingers and the palm of the hands. The pulse may be harmonised on the representative finger as well, making for an extremely easy and discreet method of self-help. We use this method of harmonising in our voice teaching.
There is no chance of detriment if the pulse is not harmonised properly, no side effects and absolutely no possibility of ‘mistakes’, making Jin Shin energy healing suitable for people of all ages.
Holistic Wellness
Jin Shin energy healing is a healing modality for mind, body and spirit. The energy points do more than harmonise physical projects. They also harmonise different aspects of the human experience.
For example, energy point 2 located at the iliac crest is associated with posture and alignment. It is called ‘the chiropractor’. This point is also associated with the chronic emotional state (‘Attitude’) of Sadness. In addition, harmonising point 2 brings wisdom. As such, harmonising this point, not only improves posture (which in turn reduces aches, pains and injuries from misalignment), but alleviates projects of Sadness, and grants wisdom as well.
Holistic Wellness
Energy Point 1
Located on the inside of the knee, point 1 is associated with movement in the mind, body and spirit. It is used to move all chronic ‘stuck’ projects. It is excellent for older populations and helps boost energy in a run-down body. In performing arts pedagogy, Point 1 may be used to imbue performances with more expressivity. Point 1 may also be harmonised by holding the thumb.
Energy Point 2
Located at the iliac crest, point 2 is associated with psychosomatic projects- the emotions unleashed on the physical plane. Other projects it can help include: leg discomforts, digestion and back distress. It assists in releasing tight abdominal muscles for vocal work in the voice studio. Point 2 may also be harmonised by holding the ring finger.
Energy Point 3
Located on the tip of the scapula closest to the spine, point 3 is associated with the lymphatic immune system; and is the body’s antibiotic centre. It is the birthplace of Jin Shin Mediator energy, and thus helps arm projects as well as postural imbalance projects. It may also be used to help relieve anger and frustration. Point 3 may be also be harmonised by holding the middle finger.
Energy Point 4
Located on the base of the skull, point 4 can help relieve head discomforts as well as any vision-related projects. The 4s are two “supervisor” points that are said to be the “bosses” of the other safety energy points and can be used to balance overall energy flow in the body. Point 4 helps in assisting beings at the end of their lives transit smoothly and may also be harmonised by holding the ring finger.
Energy Point 5
Located on the inside of the ankle, harmonising point 5 helps with shoulder and chest projects. ‘5’ represents the 5 senses. This point helps us be present in the moment. Point 5 may also be harmonised by holding the index finger.
Energy Point 6
Located on the arch of the foot, point 6 is associated with the lungs, shoulders, arms and hands. Its function is balance in mind, body and spirit. Point 6 may also be harmonised by holding the middle finger.
Energy Point 7
Located on the big toe, point 7 is associated with the head. It can help relieve head discomforts, such as nausea and dizziness and chest congestion. Point 7 may also be harmonised by holding the ring finger.
Energy Point 8
Located on the outside of the knee, point 8 is associated with pelvis. It can help with child delivery, diarrhoea and constipation. In the voice studio, it helps to release abdominal tension for deep breathing. Point 8 may also be harmonised by holding the index finger.
Energy Point 9
Located on the lower edge of the scapula, point 9 helps letting go. As such it is good for all projects, especially mental- emotional ones related to attachment. Harmonizing this point helps with the physical projects of chest congestions, back and hip projects, as well as corns and callouses. Point 9 may also be harmonised by holding the thumb.
Energy Point 10
Located in the middle of the scapula, close to the spine, point 10 known as the ‘abundant warehouse’ of voice, mental-emotional wellness and abundance. It can help regulate blood pressure, respiration and knee, neck and shoulder discomforts. Point 10 disharmony shows itself in fullness in the chest, indicating underlying emotional suppression and/or repression. Point 10 may also be harmonised by holding the index finger.
Energy Point 11
Harmonizing point 11 harmonises all the energy points. Located where the neck meets the shoulders, point 11 is associated with mental, emotional and physical exhaling. It helps neck and shoulder discomforts; arm, wrist, hand and finger tension. We use it for head-neck alignment and to facilitate deep breathing in the voice studio. Point 11 may also be harmonised by holding the index finger.
Energy Point 12
Located in the middle of the neck, point 12 helps with stubborn behaviour. It helps release stiff neck and shoulders. It is extremely useful for digestive projects in animals. Point 12 may also be harmonised by holding the middle finger.
Energy Point 13
Located above the third rib, point 13 is known as ‘unconditional love’. It is the home of the Inner Child, with the right 13 representing the Masculine aspect and the left 13 representing the Feminine aspect. 13s are where we hold our hurts. 13 helps us forgive. Point 13 helps the physical projects of infertility, auto-immune diseases, appetite imbalance and helps to regulate the hormonal system. In the voice studio, point 13 is related to ability to sing in harmony with others. Point 13 may also be harmonised by holding the middle finger.
Energy Point 14
Located on the last rib, point 14 is known as ‘balance; equilibrium’, and can thus be useful for mental, emotional and physical balance projects. It is associated with the Mind. In the voice studio, harmonising the 14s helps facilitate movement of the diaphragm; and aids with keeping pitch. Point 14 may also be harmonised by holding the ring finger.
Energy Point 15
Located on the hip joint, point 15 is associated with the health of the physical body as organ function flows that are essential to life pass through it. Point 15 rules the legs and helps all inflammation projects. Point 15 is known as ‘wash our heart with laughter; the comedian’. It encourages fun, laughter and happiness. In singing training, point 15 helps students keep the rhythm. Point 15 may also be harmonised by holding the little finger.
Energy Point 16
Located on the outer side of the ankle, point 16 is known as ‘transformation’. It is useful in situations where mental-emotional disharmonies have manifested as habitual behaviour. In the area of voice, this point helps speech and tempuro-mandibular jaw (TMJ) projects. Point 16 may also be harmonised by holding the thumb.
Energy Point 17
Located on the outer side of the wrist, point 17 is associated with the nervous system. It can help strengthen the reproduction system; aids creative thinking; as well as relieves heart, breast and back tension. It is also used to help relieve anxiety, including performing anxiety; and helps us listen to our intuition. Point 17 may also be harmonised by holding the ring finger.
Energy Point 18
Located on the base of the thumb, point 18 is the ‘oil’ that brings body and mind together. It helps body consciousness; insomnia and governs the feet. Point 18 may also be harmonised by holding the little finger.
Energy Point 19
Located on the elbow, point 19 is known as ‘leadership and authority’. It is associated with the lungs, breast, back, chest, arms and head. It can help relieve respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as shoulder, chest and head tension. Point 19 may also be harmonised by holding the thumb.
Energy Point 20
Located above the eyebrows, point 20 is associated with the pituitary gland. It can help regulate hormone function, as well as relieve headaches and mental tension. It is also used to help relieve issues related to clarity and intuition. Point 20 may also be harmonised by holding the little finger.
Energy Point 21
Located on the cheekbones, SEL 21 is also known as ‘the plastic surgeon’. It helps weight loss and weight gain projects as well as smooths out lines and wrinkles on the face. It is also used to help relieve projects related to self-limitation as well projects related to physical and mental digestion. Point 21 may also be harmonised by holding the thumb
Energy Point 22
Located on the collarbones, point 22 is where 4 elements and all body functions meet. It is associated with thyroid and parathyroid functions and is helpful for stroke prevention. This point helps us heal mentally and verbally. Point 22 may also be harmonised by holding the index finger.
Energy Point 23
Located on back, around the kidney area, point 23 is known as ‘master and controller of my own destiny’. It is associated with adrenal glands. It aids all circulation and digestive functions; as well as in mental and physical addiction projects. Harmonising this point helps in reducing fear. Point 23 may also be harmonised by holding the little finger.
Energy Point 24
Located on the little toe side of the foot, above the arch, point 24 harmonises chaos in body, mind and spirit. It helps feelings of jealousy, revenge and stubbornness. Point 24 may also be harmonised by holding the little finger.
Energy Point 25
Located on the sitz bones, point 25 helps us quietly regenerate in mind, body and spirit. Point 25 may also be harmonised by holding the middle finger.
Energy Point 26
Located on scapula, behind the armpit, point 26 is associated complete harmonisation of the be-ing in body, mind and spirit. Point 26 may also be harmonised by holding the centre of the palm.
Working with the energy points is a gentle and non-invasive practice that can be used alongside other forms of traditional and alternative medicine. It is safe for people of all ages, including infants and the elderly, and can be practiced anywhere, at any time. By learning how to work with the energy points, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own body and how to promote your own health and well-being.
If you’re interested in exploring the world of Jin Shin Energy Healing and the concept of energy points,consider contacting us for healing sessions or for private study. With practice and dedication, you can learn to use this powerful tool to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in your life