Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help Sheet for Voice

Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is a holistic Mind-Body healing modality. Energy flows through 26 invisible safety energy locks in the body. Disharmony in the Body and Mind occurs when safety energy locks lock up and energy cannot move. Disharmony manifests as excessive muscular tension, limited movement in the body and breath, feelings of stress and in some cases pain and discomfort.

Disharmony may be resolved by placing one’s hands on two safety energy locks and waiting for pulsation (from the vascular system) to come up to the hands and subside.

Here are some of my most effective ‘quickies’ (Jin Shin Jyutsu speak for ‘a shortened version of a series of steps’) for the Voice. If you cannot feel pulsation under your hands, keep your hands in the positions indicated for a minimum of 2 minutes.

Shallow Breath, Hunching

The front of the body represents the Exhale- the ability to give and let go. Do this (Fig. 1) if you or your student has limited movement in the front of the body e.g. shallow breathing, limited movement in the ribs, tight abdominal muscles, tight throat.

Instructions: place your right hand on the junction where your neck meets your shoulders on the left side of the body. Place your left hand on your left hip fold. Your hands are on safety energy locks 11 & 15 respectively. (With thanks to Jocelyne Chidiac)


Stiff Shoulders, Back, and Neck

The back of the body represents the Inhale- the ability to receive. Do this (Figure 2) if you or your student has any neck-related issues e.g. neck jut, back and down neck posture; stiff shoulders and stiff back.

Instructions: place your right hand on the junction where your neck meets your shoulders on the left side of the body. Place your right hand under your left buttock. Your hands are on safety energy locks 11 & 25 respectively.


Throat, Tongue, Soft Palate Tension, Nasality

Finger pose 5 (Figure 3) handles all of the above.

Instructions: touch the pad of your left thumb with the nail of your right third finger. Touch the nail of your left thumb with the pad of your right thumb. Hold this finger pose while you sing.



You may do this (Figure 4) before you warm-up for a shorter warm-up time or during your cool-down after a prolonged period of voice use. These hand positions are known as 15/6 in Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Instructions: Place your right hand on your right hip fold. Hold the arch of your right foot with your left hand.


Have fun!

Grace Ng Ee Wern is a voice coach and teacher in Singapore. She is also a qualified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner.

* Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy is meant to be complementary to allopathic medicine. Please seek professional help if you require medical assistance.

Photo credit: Fishbach @ Les Hivernales via Photopin (license)