Simple Self-Help for Sore Throats

Here is some simple self-help for sore throats from Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy ®. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing modality rediscovered by Master Jiro Murai. It was brought to the USA and to the world by his disciple Mary Burmeister.

Energy flows through the body. Disharmonies such as sore throats arise when the energy flow is disrupted. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, we place our hands on points in the body known as safety energy locks, in order to restore the flow of energy. When the energy flows, the disharmony goes. Place your hands in the positions indicated for 2-5 minutes to harmonize the flow of energy. If you can feel pulsation under your hands, remove them when pulsation under your hands subsides. Self-help for the left side of the body is indicated below. Feel free to change hand positions for the right side.

Laryngitis i.e. No Voice, Hoarse Voice

Place your left hand on the junction where the neck meets the shoulders (the end of the neck) on the left side of the body. Place your right hand on the chest in front of the first 3 ribs on the right side of the body.

Alternatively, place your right hand on the center of your left thigh. Place your left hand on your right deltoid.

Pharyngitis i.e. Muffled Voice due to the Throat Swelling

Place your left hand on the junction where the neck meets the shoulders on the right side of the body. Hold your left index finger with your right hand.

Dry throat; Uncomfortable throat; Itchy Throat; Tired voice

Touch the pad under the left thumb (at the palm) with the other fingers of the left hand. Place the right hand on the junction where the neck meets the shoulders on the left side of the body.


Touch the palm sides of the middle fingers of both hands.

Pain in the Throat:

Place your left hand on the outer ankle on the left side of the body. Place your right hand on the inner ankle on the left side of the body.

Tight Throat:

Place your right hand at the end of the left deltoid muscle. Place your left hand at the end of the right deltoid muscle.

Voice Fatigue 2:

Hold both sides of your head so that your fingertips are touching the center of the top of the head.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy ® is complementary to allopathic medicine. It is not meant to replace allopathic medicine. Please seek a doctor if you require urgent medical help.

Be well.

Grace Ng Ee Wern is a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner and voice teacher based in Singapore. She incorporates Jin Shin Jyutsu in her voice teaching for seamless integration of Body, Mind, and Voice.

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