Spleen Function Flow for Voice Teachers: Tongue Tension, Lower Ribs & Critical Energy

I actively use Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy(\’JSJ\’) energy healing in my singing teaching. JSJ is a holistic healing modality. Combining it with Somatic Voicework functional voice pedagogy, makes every class in effect, therapy.

JSJ originated from Japan. Pre-dating the Bible, it was re-discovered by Master Jiro Murai at the turn of the 20th century and spread internationally by his disciple Mary Burmeister.

It incorporates elements of traditional Chinese medicine, differing from it in its resolution of disharmony. There are no acupuncture needles required, no pressing or massage, no cupping and no medicines even. JSJ\’s resolution methods purely involve either holding a finger or placing the hands on 2 of 26 safety energy locks on the body. Consequently, there are no side effects or contraindications to its use.

In voice teaching, implementation is discreet. My students wrap the other fingers of the same hand around the finger that that they need to hold in order to activate energy harmonisation. The process is undetectable and the audience is none the wiser.

JSJ shares the spleen organ function flow with traditional Chinese Medicine. An organ function flow is a flow of energy that carries out the function of the organ, in this case the spleen, along a distinct path of invisible energy known as a \’meridian\’.

Physiological Manifestations of Disharmony relevant to Voice Teaching

The Spleen function flow nourishes the body. It is a flow that energises all the other organ function flows in the body. It is one of the Toe flows of JSJ. Toe flows carry critical energy. They move from the toes up to the lower ribs. If there is limited movement in the lower ribs that compromises breath support and overall vocal control, chances are the body is not getting enough critical energy. Critical energy is energy that the body uses for autonomous functions such as breathing, digestion, peristalsis etc.

The Spleen function flow flows through the root of the tongue. Consequently, persistent tongue tension projects could be an indication that the spleen function flow is in disharmony. I would also look at the movement of the lower ribs concurrently to determine whether the spleen is in disharmony.

As an aside, the kidney function flow also is another toe flow that flows through the root of the tongue. However, kidney function flow disharmony tends to manifest more in the arches of the feet and in throat tension and vocal fold projects. It is a completely different creature. Whereas the Spleen function flow is disharmonised by the attitude of Worry, the Kidney function flow is disharmonised by the attitude of Fear.

Mental Manifestation of Disharmony relevant to Voice Teaching

The Spleen function flow feeds the Mind. Spleen disharmony results in the inability to focus and concentrate, which may arise in conjunction to or apart from the physiological manifestations of disharmony listed above.

Emotional Manifestation of Disharmony relevant to Voice Teaching and the Performing Arts

The Spleen function flow manifests in \’I FEEL\’. Disharmony results in feeling too little i.e. suppressing of emotions or feeling too much i.e. being oversensitive. It governs the nervous system.

Spleen function flow disharmony is linked to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt (Worry).

Harmonising Spleen Function Flow with JSJ

Method 1: Hold both right and left thumbs for 20 minutes each. The 20 minutes may be cumulative.

Method 2: Spleen Organ Function Flow. Place your hands on the positions indicated for 2 minutes each or until the pulsation under your hands (if you can feel it) dissipates.

The following are instructions for the left flow:

Step 1: Place your right hand on your coccyx bone. Place your left hand on your left inner ankle.

Step 2: Keep your right hand on your coccyx bone. Move your left hand to your right lowest rib.

Step 3: Keep your left hand on your right lowest rib. Move your right hand to the left front 3rd ribs.

Step 4: Keep your left hand on your right lowest rib. Move your right hand to the right collarbone.


Spleen Function Flow has many benefits in Performing Arts practice and teaching. Use it before a class to energise and condition the body and mind for focus and optimal learning. I wish you the very best of health.