
Spleen Function Flow for Voice Teachers: Tongue Tension, Lower Ribs & Critical Energy

I actively use Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy(\’JSJ\’) energy healing in my singing teaching. JSJ is a holistic healing modality. Combining it with Somatic Voicework functional voice pedagogy, makes every class in effect, therapy. JSJ originated from Japan. Pre-dating the Bible, it was re-discovered by Master Jiro Murai at the turn of the 20th century and spread […]

Spleen Function Flow for Voice Teachers: Tongue Tension, Lower Ribs & Critical Energy Read More »

Health, Wealth, Happiness and Voice: Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock 10

My Voice Teaching work is both functional Voicework and Healing. I do not teach breathing. I move the body from the physical stiffness and shallow breathing that characterise the fight/flight/flee function of the nervous system, to the deep breathing and relaxed body/mind that characterise the nervous system in a rest and repair function. Safety energy

Health, Wealth, Happiness and Voice: Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock 10 Read More »

Simple Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help for Haze-Related Illness (2). In English and Bahasa Indonesia

Here are some more things you can do for haze-related conditions from Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-Philosophy ®: Coughs, colds and to strengthen the respiratory system & immune system: place your right hand on the bottom of your ribcage in the front. Place your left hand over your right collarbone. To alleviate the effects of environmental

Simple Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help for Haze-Related Illness (2). In English and Bahasa Indonesia Read More »

Simple Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help for Haze-Related Illness (1)

Jin Shin Jyutsu\’s Thumb Function Energy is perfect self-help for discomforts that arise in hazy conditions. This very simple step helps with coughing, phlegm, eye irritation, nose bleeding, nose clogging and throat discomfort. It also helps all acid conditions including acid reflux. The following steps illustrate the Left Thumb Function Energy. Step 2: Place your

Simple Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help for Haze-Related Illness (1) Read More »

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